Click Shader under Arnold on the left side bar. How do I move the manipulator in Maya? Select a transform tool (Move Tool, Rotate Tool, or Scale Tool). So transform contains 9 variables in total 3 defining each function. The pivot point is going to be the center of the shape. Moving the scale pivot point 90 Using the Show Manipulator tool 91 One of the many powerful features of Maya is the ability to animate the location and properties of an object’s pivot point. use “insert/home” key to reposition pivot point. Maya 2014 Basic Animation & The Graph Editor When you set a Keyframe (or Key), you assign a value to an object’s attribute (for example, translate, rotate, scale, color) at a specific time. not affect instanced objects stay inside their groups Maya offers the same things you love about Amber, but in a larger head size and longer hair length, making her more life-like to work on.